Perhaps no aspect of business today has the potential for greater impact – both positive and negative – than the changes resulting from the IT dimension.

Many of us remember a time when a business did not have a single computer.  Today, the power of Information Technology is dramatically changing business – not just automating processes and making them faster, but enabling all sorts of new capabilities that were previously unimaginable.  To quote Marc Andreessen, the creator of the original web browser, “Software is eating the world”. And threats to the health of your business are not just from your old competitors, they are coming from ambitious young entrepreneurs looking for new industries to disrupt.

The good news is that the very democratization of technology allows us to leverage these same technological advances for our benefit.   

We provide a broad range of resources to understand, explain, and deploy IT as a competitive advantage and mitigate the risks of IT disruption. And we will work with you to develop an effective plan, implement a recruiting process, and monitor the team’s capabilities against client expectations.  Or we can augment your recruiting capabilities with outsourced HR services.

Some areas that we can assist with are:

  • Website, eCommerce and online database applications development
  • Automations and creating integrated tech-enabled business processes
  • ERP, CRM, BPM, LMS, AI, AR, ML, and other scary-sounding acronyms
  • Data Analytics and data-driven business improvement


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